The Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project at Auburn University APAEP offers access to educational opportunities to people currently and formerly incarcerated across the state. The APAEP community cultivates inclusive, student-centered spaces for creativity, exploration, and lifelong relationships with learning. We value respect, dignity, equity, compassion, and innovation.
In-Person Classes Offered
Classes Offered at the Community Education Resource Center in Birmingham, AL
Students Reached
Classroom Hours
Continuing Education Units Awards
Teachers Involved
Tutors Involved
Visting Artists and Scholars
Community Education Program Student
"In retrospect now, what I remember clearest about that first APAEP class I took is not the course material, but rather, the light which appeared in some of my classmates eyes in response to the camaraderie created in the group or as they accomplished something meaningful for the first time in their lives. For some, the light continued to shine even after the course was complete.
College Program Student
"The education that I have received thus far has changed my perspective on life for the better. I appreciate education and respect scholars much more because of my time with APAEP. My views and opinions are a bit more objective and that alone is priceless."

You have the power to support meaningful and sustained education in the arts, humanities, and sciences for people in Alabama impacted by incarceration.
Your Donation:
Expands access to quality higher education for people incarcerated in Alabama
Assists APAEP in developing new arts programming and other resources for people in prison
Contributes to new initiatives to serve people in prison and their communities across the state
Connects you with a community of like-minded supporters
In The News

Auburn graduates first class of students at Staton Correctional Facility
December 15, 2023
A college education can mean a pathway to a brighter future, a chance for a better life. It’s that extra credential needed to land the dream job you’ve always wanted, to prepare you to improve your community.

Lifting Paintbrushes, Hearts and Minds
Novemember 1, 2023
At its heart, APAEP was inspired by the students—people who took the risk to sign up for something new, to express themselves and their desire to learn.

From Prison to the Museum of Modern Art
July 31, 2023
Tameca Cole is an artist whose work has been exhibited throughout the country and, most notably, at New York’s Museum of Modern Art PS1.

The Art of Second Chances: ABPP Celebrates Second Annual Art Show
April 12, 2023
The second annual Changing the Course: Art by the Currently & Formerly Incarcerated exhibition event was held at the Alabama Department of Archives and History in Montgomery.

Arts and education program promotes prison reform in Alabama
November 9, 2022
Kyes Stevens started the Alabama Prison Arts + Education Program, which offers a variety of classes to incarcerated students all over the state.